How to Protect Your Business From


Safety in roofing usually involves harnesses, certifications and classes, but in today’s data-driven world, roofing contractors face a whole new safety threat on the digital front.

Unfortunately, it’s not just large companies like Yahoo or LinkedIn that are the victims of ransomware and data breaches. It’s estimated that 66% of small businesses have already been hacked, and roughly half of all cyberattacks are against small to medium size enterprises with under 500 employees.

"Hackers are going after small businesses because they know they don't have the infrastructure in place, they don't have the tools in place ... it's almost a guaranteed payday," said Leslie Hicks, president of Cardinal Technology Solutions Inc.

It might be tough knowing where to start, which is why RC enlisted the help of cyber-security experts like Hicks along with Bill Collins, director of national accounts at ServCo LLC, and Brian Thorton, CEO of ProWriters, to guide roofing contractors on how to protect themselves from cyberattacks.

In our podcast series, learn about the ways hackers attempt to access your information, how critical website maintenance is for your business, and practical tips for strengthening your cyber-security.

Listen to the podcasts below, or download episodes on our podcast page. The RC Podcast Show is also available on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

RC’s cyber-security podcast series asks the experts how roofing contractors can shield themselves from cyber attacks



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Smile, Sleeve, Font, Happy, Red
Glasses, Smile, Sleeve, Happy, Gesture, Font, Collar
Facial expression, Social group, Glasses, Smile, Font, Sleeve, Happy, Red
Smile, Sleeve, Gesture, Happy, Font, Red
Sleeve, Font, Happy

Chris Gray is managing editor of Roofing Contractor. Reach him at 248-244-6498 or