Street fashion, Smile, Shoulder, Neck, Sleeve, Dress, Happy

Going Back to Kindergarten

When my daughter graduated from high school in 2020, we were really put to the test as parents! What could we do for our little girl, amidst a pandemic, that would give her the graduation party she deserved, and hopefully in some way make up for all she had missed out on being a senior in 2020. I decided to have a small graduation ceremony at our house and invited her kindergarten teacher to be our commencement speaker.

She was brilliant. The first thing she said was, “Kate, you realize everything you needed to know you already learned in kindergarten, but you may be washing your hands a lot more now!”

There was something so true about what we learned in kindergarten being just about everything we needed to know in that moment in time.

Just about everyone had advice for Kate as she dealt with her senior year being cut short, her gymnastics season halted, her senior prom cancelled and so on. It seemed like everyone and their mother had bits of advice for this young lady heading off to her freshman year at Miami of Ohio.

They’d say, “Surround yourself with people that are smarter than yourself;” and, “Don’t try and figure it out all by yourself;” or, “Ask for help;” “Never give up;” “When the going gets tough…” and the list goes on.

Who knew after all this time we would still all be scratching our heads as we watch our country become so polarized. Now, more than ever, we need to stand up for what we feel is right. We need to take the advice my beautiful daughter was given when her world completely stopped.

If these past two years have taught us anything, it’s to control what we have control over. Life, to put it quite simply, is a ride, a rollercoaster, if you will. And during a time where it feels as if there’s so little we can control, it’s important to focus on the things we can.

Here’s how you can take control this week. Join me, and:

  • Call your mom, or someone you love, to say I love you;
  • Volunteer at your local soup kitchen with your family;
  • Read your kids a book;
  • Take flowers to someone who needs to be reminded how special they are (I’m guessing it’s your spouse!);
  • Lay in the grass and look at the stars;
  • Pray;
  • Be grateful for the things you do have.

I can tell you all that something I’m grateful for is the roofing industry, BNP Media and the family it has given me with my co-workers, and all of you reading this. Let me know what you’re doing this week to take control and focus on what you should be grateful for.

"Is 2020 going to mark the end of human contact in the roofing sales and estimating fields? I doubt that. There’s still a lot of value to relationships, and face-to-face is difficult to beat, even with today’s technologies."




Handwriting, Font

Jill Bloom
