5 Things Roofing Contractors Want to Know About RC’s Homeowner Survey
RC followed up last year’s inaugural survey of homeowners with another set of questions aimed at gaining insights into the rapidly changing roofing and restoration market as part of the 2025 State of the Industry Report. The questions again focused on homeowner expectations, service delivery, technology and sales, and were intended to gather information that can better equip roofing contractors in any market with more tools to make an impact.
A presentation on the full survey’s findings with RC’s research partners from Roofle will take place from 11:15 a.m. – 12 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 20 on the show floor of the 2025 International Roofing Expo at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center in San Antonio.
A report on the full survey will appear in a future edition of RC. In the meantime, here are five highlights roofing contractors will want to know about the most recent RC homeowner survey.
Asphalt in Action
Nearly 60% of homeowners surveyed said they currently have asphalt shingles on their roofs.
High Expectations
A vast majority of residential roofing contractors (72%) indicated they expect sales volume to increase this year, and even more (77%) anticipate roofing sales to increase over the next three years.
Old-Fashioned Referrals
Homeowners said word-of-mouth is the top method of finding roofing contractors (79%), followed by online search engines (62%) and repeat business with contractors they know (54%).
How Important are Online Reviews? Still Really Important
A strong majority of homeowners (67%) said online reviews are either extremely important or very important, compared to just 5% of homeowners who don’t find them important. Roughly 76% of contractors indicated they feature online reviews on their websites, and about 13% said they don’t.
Is the Price Right?
More than three-quarters of homeowners (78%) indicated they’re more likely to call a roofing contractor that made pricing transparent on their company website. Conversely, about the same amount (76%) of contractors said they don’t feature pricing online.