“I’m Back” 

Okay, I’ve been busy. There has been a pandemic, the complete change in Roofing Contractor from print/web media to mostly digital (no printing every month, just special occasions several times per year). I tried to bail out at least once during this time period but was denied.

"Is 2020 going to mark the end of human contact in the roofing sales and estimating fields? I doubt that. There’s still a lot of value to relationships, and face-to-face is difficult to beat, even with today’s technologies."





On a personal note, there was the loss of my beautiful wife, Micki, whom many of you in the roofing industry knew. She was the one with the warm smile who never met a roofer (or anyone else) that she didn’t find a reason to like. Micki was diagnosed with a glioblastoma multiforme a month after the pandemic changed everyone’s lives. Caring for her those two years eclipsed every other human accomplishment, business, personal, or otherwise, that I had or ever will take on. It was such an honor.

Smile, Plant, Coat, Tie, Tree, Gesture, Dress

So, now I must get back to work. And, in order to maintain my sanity, I will try to stay busy.

In spite of the fact that I tried to find the exit door (I am 70 years old for gosh sake), I stayed on with RC because I just cannot end my long love affair with the roofing industry that easily. Now I am glad to have held on, because without this work I am not sure what I would be doing with myself right now.

To follow through with taking on the task of writing for RC and supporting the roofing industry (these go together), I will travel again. My first trip was back to the mother ship as I visited with the RC's publishing and editorial team to map out our 2023 agenda and get a little blue sky. It was refreshing, to say the least, to meet in person again after so much screen time. We have such a creative and committed team!

My next adventure was the SkillsUSA National Skills Competition in Atlanta in June. The National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA) has taken a partnership role with SkillsUSA and look for more in my reports on the event. SkillsUSA is an organization of students, teachers, and administrators engaged in career and technical education, from middle through post-secondary schools. They support skill development of all stripes but have a significant presence in construction. For the first time ever, there was a demonstration of roofing skills at the event.

In July, I attended the NRCA board and committee meetings. I am privileged to serve on two committees including Career and Technical Education/Workforce Development. In my recent years I have decided to work on this topic. This has been an issue in the roofing industry as long as I have been active (since 1974), and it has never been more critical than it is in 2022. The NRCA is doing some excellent work in this field, so it is a good place for me to focus my efforts.

Later in July I attended the 100th Convention of the Florida Roofing and Sheet Metal Contractors Association (FRSA). This is one I have looked forward to for years. While I am no longer active with the FRSA, I still consider it my “home base.” I began my career in roofing there. RC was founded there by FRSA member, Danny Carson. Doing anything well for 100 years is cause for celebration!

Later this year I plan to attend the bi-annual meeting of the Roofing Alliance. The Roofing Alliance is the foundation of the NRCA and performs its work based on the four pillars of Education, Technical, Sustainability, and Philanthropy.

Between these trips I hope to hit the road for some random touring and will visit roofing contractors along the way. Maybe I will visit you?


Rick Damato
Editorial Director